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Ambos Mundos Hotel
Ambos Mundos Hotel
Old Havana, Havana City
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from 118.00 €/night
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  Located to the west of the capital, Jaimanitas – as well as Cojímar - it is also a town of fishermen frequently visited by Ernest Hemingway in the 30’s during the last century.
Just a few meters (300) away from the present Tourist Community that takes the name of the famous American writer, Jaimanitas gained its fame starting from rumors of adventures by sea of smugglers of alcohols and liquors according to the investigation of Mario Masvidal Saavedra.
The investigator tells that the visits, by earth as well as by sea, were very frequent on the part of Hemingway who among other people had known there the marriage of George Grant and Jane Mason, owners of a recreational boat called ‘Pelicano II’.
One of the first references - and the only one explicit - to Jaimanitas appears in its theatrical piece "La Quinta Columna" (The Fifth Column), published in 1938, according to the investigator.
The other one is rather a suspicion. It is about a story "Nadie Muere Nunca’ (No one Never Dies), published the following year and for some specialists and well-read persons, the scenary of the story is Jaimanitas beach, that is: the house where the hero hides is the Mason's mansion in that town, a place frequently visited in such a way by Ernest, up to some extend that the rumors of a possible romance between the writer and Mrs. Jane began to arise.
He established a friendship with a family of origin ‘mayorquín’. Many anecdotes were written, mainly those that Guillermo Cunill stored, who passed away some years ago and who got proud when he said: “I drank "wisky" several times with "Papa". He and I were the same: fishermen and of the good ones!

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